Plasma, Subcutaneous Tissue and Bone Pharmacokinetics of Cefuroxime
Dagsorden & sted for mødet offentliggøres 14 dage før mødet
Platelets, fibrin clot properties and aspirin in patients with coronary artery disease
Neuroglobin and cytoglobin expression in the central nervous system
Det er med stor glæde, vi hermed inviterer til den første danske konference som specifikt omhandler løbeskader - Løbeskadekonference 2015.
Nighttime blood pressure and chronotherapy in type 2 diabetes
Diabetes Epidemiology in the Age of Ubiquitous Data
Role of vasopressin, aldosterone, and angiotensin II in sodium and water retention in nephrotic syndrome and heart failure in the rat
Børne Hæmatologisk-Onkologisk forskning
Confirmed speakers:
Jan Egebjerg, Vice President Neurodegeneration and Biologics at Lundbeck; Preben Bo Mortensen, Professor at iPSYCH; Jørgen Kjems,…
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