Peter Christensen has just been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. The professorship is affiliated with the Pelvic Floor Unit, a clinical unit that will take care of patients with pelvic floor issues.
Aarhus University has just appointed Cecilia Høst Ramlau-Hansen as professor of reproductive epidemiology. One of her areas of research looks at why so many men have reduced fertility.
A study from Aarhus University helps our understanding of the causes that may lie behind obesity and overweight.
Over the next few days, 4,000 expats will receive an invitation to participate in Expat Study 2014, the most comprehensive and in-depth survey to date of expat experiences in Denmark.
Thomas Corydon from Aarhus University has just received DKK 125,000 from the Riisfort Foundation. The grant will be used for research into the eye condition AMD.
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