Work on the new guidelines for the appointment of staff is in process

New guidelines for the appointment of academic and technical and administrative staff at Health are on the way.

[Translate to English:] Nye vejledninger for ansættelse af videnskabelige og teknisk-administrative medarbejdere ved Health er på vej.
[Translate to English:] Nye vejledninger for ansættelse af videnskabelige og teknisk-administrative medarbejdere ved Health er på vej.

The Faculty Liaison Committee discussed a draft version of the new guidelines at their meeting on 19 August. Dean Allan Flyvbjerg presented the background for revising the guidelines for the appointment of academic and technical and administrative staff at Health.

He explained that they are a consequence of the senior management team's decision to increase the inclusion of staff in decisions and processes, and that this includes the involvement of academic environments in recruitment processes.

Draft guidelines:

Minutes from the meeting (in Danish only) held on 19 August 2015.