On 28 May 2024, Jespers Torvekøkken will be selling sandwiches and salads in the canteen at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health and at Aarhus BSS for the last time. After that, the Studenterlauget canteen will take over for a transitional…
The university's guidelines for close personal relationships have been updated, and they now also include guidelines for relationships between students and staff. Dean Anne-Mette Hvas stresses how important it is that all staff and students at Health…
It costs a lot of money when approximately 10,000 people need to have blood tests taken three to four times each year at a very specific time to monitor their treatment with lithium. But now, Associate Professor Ole Köhler-Forsberg has an idea that…
Associate Professor Katherine Musliner from the Department of Clinical Medicine will spend the next five years conducting an extensive study on why comorbidity is particularly pronounced in people suffering from a severe psychiatric diagnosis. The…
Knowledge is the foundation of our society. We should therefore praise the researchers who give interviews, both when communicating their research to the general public and when their research is criticised.
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