Danes who measure their blood pressure at home can now send the results directly from their armchair to their general practitioner via iPad, PC or smartphone. This provides more accurate figures and better opportunities for targeted treatment.
Nina Kerting Iversen from Aarhus University researches in blood clots (thrombosis) in the brain. Her research has just earned her a grant of DKK 2,912,255 from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant will support her ongoing research…
The first steps are taken towards the new building for the Department of Biomedicine. The red building on Høegh-Guldbergs Gade is being demolished to make room for the new Biomedicine building.
New research into cot death shows differences in the dead children’s brain tissue, depending on whether they slept in their own bed or together with their parents. Nevertheless, there is no justification for changing the recommendations for the…
Quality and cohesion in the educational system and the integrated model between AU and the Central Denmark Region. All of this was on the agenda when Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard visited Health.
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