Standards for the responsible conduct of research at the Faculty of Health

Fundamental guidelines and requirements designed to support the individual researcher or research group in planning, conducting and concluding a research project in a transparent and credible manner.


Everyone who contributes to research at Aarhus University is expected to integrate these principles for responsible conduct of research into their daily activities as a matter of course. These principles include honesty, responsibility, reliability, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, openness, transparency and responsible management of the resources with which one has been entrusted.

This means that everyone who contributes to research at the Faculty Health must be familiar with and comply with:

1. Aarhus University’s Policy for research integrity, freedom of research and responsible conduct of research.

2. Aarhus University’s Rules regarding advice on responsible conduct of research and Aarhus University’s Rules for the Research Practice Committee (handling suspicions of breach of responsible conduct of research at Aarhus University).

3. Aarhus University’s basic principles for responsible conduct of research and research freedom in regard to collaboration with external parties.

4. Instructions for storage and management of research data.

Everyone who is engaged in research at the Faculty of Health must also be familiar with and comply with the instructions in the faculty’s Standards for the responsible conduct of research at the Faculty of Health. 

The faculty management team is responsible for ensuring that personnel at the Faculty of Health are familiar with these standards, and that they are integrated into the practice of the faculty’s research groups. The faculty management team is furthermore responsible for laying down the necessary guidelines for handling project descriptions, data storage as well as the content of collaboration agreements.