Research prizes & honours

1. Prioritised prizes and honorary awards

The Dean’s Office identifies candidates together with the Head of Departments – as a rule, the Heads of Department or/and and the Vice-Head of Departments for Research will receive an email from the Faculty’s Secretariat with a request to initiate a process and submit suggestions to (or another e-maill address which is mentioned in the e-mail). When the Dean’s Office has selected candidates, the Faculty’s Secretariat will together with those making the recommendation quality-assure the documents and ensure that they will be submitted.

The prioritised prizes and honorary awards include the major prizes from Health and AU and also a few external prizes, for example (expected internal deadline in parenthesis):

2. Other important prizes and honorary awards

The Dean’s Office will on request from the departments or on an ad hoc basis request candidates to important prizes, for example the Erhoff prizes (in Danish), the Bagger-Sørensen Foundation prizes (in Danish) and the Hagedorn Prize.