The Dean’s Office identifies candidates together with the Head of Departments – as a rule, the Heads of Department or/and and the Vice-Head of Departments for Research will receive an email from the Faculty’s Secretariat with a request to initiate a process and submit suggestions to (or another e-maill address which is mentioned in the e-mail). When the Dean’s Office has selected candidates, the Faculty’s Secretariat will together with those making the recommendation quality-assure the documents and ensure that they will be submitted.
The prioritised prizes and honorary awards include the major prizes from Health and AU and also a few external prizes, for example (expected internal deadline in parenthesis):
The Dean’s Office will on request from the departments or on an ad hoc basis request candidates to important prizes, for example the Erhoff prizes (in Danish), the Bagger-Sørensen Foundation prizes (in Danish) and the Hagedorn Prize.