X Guide

Do you want to get started using X? Or maybe you want to be even better at using X than you already are? Maybe you can benefit from our X guide, which is full of tips, tricks and guides for both beginners and the more experienced users.

What makes X special?

  • On X, it is easy to interact with journalists, politicians, your peers and others.
  • You can use X to network and share knowledge with your peers all over the world, and also to make yourself available as an expert in your field.
  • On X you can avoid algorithm-driven filters. This means that you can choose to see everything from all the profiles you follow, and not just the most popular content.
  • You can choose to receive a notification from X when there is new content about or from the profiles you wish to follow in particular.
  • You can actually follow a large number of profiles on X without losing track – for example by making lists of preferred interests and topics.

X texts

  • Background info ('bio'): 160 characters
  • Post: 280 characters, including any hashtags, mentions and links.
  • Mention: @ followed by user name, e.g. @SSTbrostrom
  • Hashtag: # followed by keywords, often consisting of abbreviations, e.g. #universitiesUK
  • Place hashtags and links at the end of the post

X photos

  • Header photo: 1500 x 500 pixels (max. file size of 5 MB)
  • Profile photo: min. 600 pixels wide and preferably 600 x 600 pixels (max. file size 2 MB)
  • Photo(s) in tweet: 1024 x 512 pixels, but any photo between a 2:1 and 1:1 aspect ratio works. Max. four photos per tweet
  • Formats JPG, PNG or GIF

Thank you to Kristian Strøbech and Techhytten

This material about X is based on Kristian Strøbech’s X course and the associated course notes.

What do you get out of being on X?

"X helps me keep up-to-date with research, new methods and broader issues in science. I've also met people at large conferences from live-tweeting their work, so in that way it also strengthens my network."

Christine Parsons, Department of Clinical Medicine, @ce_parsons

"Fun and games, but most importantly it's an occasion to talk about and discuss my work and research. I've got a network on X, which I don't think I would have been able to get anywhere else. Interesting people and opinions."

Asser Thomsen, Department of Forensic Medicine, @AsserThomsen