Social media at Health

About social media

Some of the most widely used social media in Denmark are Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. They are also the most highly prioritized social media at AU, and therefore they are the focus of these guidelines.
The guidelines solely cover social media under the auspices of the workplace and not employees' private use of social media.  

Guidelines for using social media at Health

Offers for units at Health

Units at Health that wish to be represented on social media and have AU as the sender via the use of name or logo must contact Health Communication before creating the account for advice and help with qualifying the social media plans.

Health Communication offers:

  • Advice on goals, target groups, content and use of resources in connection with the creation of social media channels.
  • Advice on content for Health's the central AU channels on social media.
  • LinkedIn courses for employees

Technical support or help with the setting up of social media is not provided.

Using social media at Health

Joint AU channels

  • At Health we support the existing social media at AU. Health Communication contributes content to AU's channels on Facebook, X and LinkedIn. This content focuses on student life, education, research and recruitment as well as the promotion of AU and Health.

Health’s own channels

Health Communication:

  • Runs the faculty's LinkedIn-page, which is used for external communication targeted at foundations, international researchers, business and industry and partners.
  • Runs the faculty's YouTube channel, which is administered and used by Health Communication primarily for internal video communication within the faculty. The channel is used as a "container" for the faculty's videos and is not promoted externally.
  • Has created a Health Facebook page. The Facebook page has no editorial content and refers to other Health media such as

Find us on social media

If you are active on LinkedIn, consider following the faculty profiles:

You can also mention Health's profile or use the faculty's hashtag when posting from your own profile.

LinkedIn: @Health - Aarhus University and #HealthAU

What to do


Do you have questions, tips or comments on Health's social media?

Write to us at:

SoMe Contacts at Health

Simon Byrial Fischel

Communications Officer