AUSBI Symposium 2024
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Building 1631-1632, Aarhus University
Open invitation:
All group leaders and group members at Aarhus University interested in structural biology and biophysics, from the sub-molecular to cellular scale and larger, are cordially invited to join this next networking event in AUSBI.
The AUSBI Symposium 2024 will be a full day with introduction to science projects outside your own daily work, with focus on methods and expertise available locally, and not the least networking during poster session, coffee breaks, lunch, and late-afternoon pizza. All of which hopefully will facilitate more collaborations and easier access to know-how in the AUSBI community.
For research presentations, we will prioritize contributions by early career scientists affiliated with Aarhus University.
The venue will be at the wonderful auditorium, hall, and surroundings at Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies (AIAS), building 1631-1632, located in the Aarhus University park.
Registration deadline Monday April 22nd:
Abstract submission deadline Monday April 8th (to apply for oral research presentation)
Selected speakers will be informed by Friday April 12th
Participation is free of charge.
More information