AU’s Regatta won Best in Aarhus and so did VIA’s study environment

The Regatta paddled its way to victory while the degree programme in medicine made due with a nomination when Aarhus Stiftstidende revealed the winners of its annual awards for the best Aarhus has to offer.

VIA University College took home the award for Best Study Environment in Aarhus, but vice-dean for education, Lise Wogensen Bach is proud of the nomination of the study programme in medicine, which she believes reflects that the students are good at creating a thriving study environment.
The Regatta took home the award for "Best Cultural Event." Lasse Juul Christensen og Daniel Houe from the student social association Umbilicus received the award on behalf of the Regatta. Photo: Lise Wogensen Bach

Aarhus Stiftstidende invited the whole city to its award party in Tivoli Friheden on Thursday 17 August, where the local newspaper announced the winners of the Best in Aarhus (Byens Bedste) categories. For the first time ever, the award for Best Study Environment in Aarhus was up for grabs, and the study programme in medicine was among the finalists. But when it came time for the statuette to be awarded, it was VIA's campus in Ceres Byen that emerged as the victor.

The evening ended differently for the Regatta, which took home the award for best cultural event ahead of other nominees such as Thomas Helmig’s concert in the Ceres arena back in March and this year’s SPOT festival.

Vice-Dean for education Lise Wogensen Bach attended the festivities at Tivoli Friheden, and she was happy with the results despite VIA taking home the statuette instead of AU.

“Of course it would’ve been great to win the award.  But we’re so happy about being nominated because it shows that students on the study programme in medicine take good care of each other and that there’s a good study environment at the rather demanding programme. And then we can bask in the fact that the Regatta won the award for best cultural event. It's an event that reflects the good study environment across AU. So, we can be a proud of that too," she says.


Vice-Dean of education, Lise Wogensen Bach
Aarhus University, Health