Students now allowed to use AI for theses and bachelor projects

Aarhus University is now easing the rules for the use of artificial intelligence. Initially, this applies only to students who are due to submit their bachelor's thesis or final project this summer.

Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Foto.

Now, more AU students will have the opportunity to legally use ChatGPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) during exams. The university's regulations have been adjusted so that the technology can be used in the following cases leading up to the summer exams of 2024:

  • For bachelor projects
  • For theses
  • For final exams in continuing and further education
  • If it is explicitly mentioned in the course description that one may use generative artificial intelligence.

However, there are specific guidelines for Health:

At AU, the Education Committee has chosen to phase in the use of GAI gradually in the programs and has decided to start with a group of exams that are similar to each other, with the aim of gaining experience in the area.

In the Medicine and Dentistry programs, the Vice Cean of Education, Lise Wogensen, together with the Deputy Head of Department, Anders Bonde Jensen, and Head of Studies Administration, Jeppe Stokholm, have decided that both the bachelor project and the master's thesis are exempted, as they differ too much from the other bachelor projects and master's theses at AU.

Only the First Step

Until now, it has not been permitted to use GAI in exams unless it was explicitly stated in the course description. This approach is now being adjusted – but initially, only for a smaller group of students.

As a student, one must still reflect on and account for how the technology has been used, just as one must cite correctly if AI-generated text is used.

The Education Committee is currently working towards a decision on how and when to ease the rules further, so they also apply to other types of exams. However, this will not come into effect until the winter exams of 2024/2025 at the earliest.

See AU's general guidelines for exam cheating.