Millions from ‘Knæk Cancer’ (Beat Cancer) to Aarhus cancer researcher

Professor Anders Bonde Jensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just received a substantial grant. The grant will be used to conduct research into the needs of individual patients for support following a cancer disease.

[Translate to English:] Forskningen er patientnær og vil hurtigt kunne omsættes i praksis i form af ændre den måde, den palliative indsats og indsatsen omkring senfølger foregår på.
[Translate to English:] Forskningen er patientnær og vil hurtigt kunne omsættes i praksis i form af at ændre den måde, den palliative indsats og indsatsen omkring senfølger foregår på.

The Danish Cancer Society's Knæk Cancer (Beat Cancer) funding pool has given DKK 1.98 million to a project that will take a closer look at the effect of cancer treatment as experienced by the patients and what support they require. And Anders Bonde Jensen is the researcher leading the project.

"My field of research is partly based on the palliative effort, where our focus is on the organisation of these efforts and the testing of new models to improve communication and to increase staff competences, and partly on rehabilitation and delayed effects following cancer treatment with a focus on breast cancer," says Anders Bonde Jensen.

His point-of-care research can quickly be put into practice by changing the way in which the palliative efforts and the efforts associated with delayed effects take place.

"We hope that the project will contribute to improving the follow-up that is offered to women who have undergone surgery for breast cancer," says the professor.

The project includes a study of the benefits for the women of a teaching programme that is carried out at the department of oncology. The research group will also try out a new way of organising the follow-up for breast cancer patients. The intention is to examine the value of a more patient-managed follow-up in relation to the traditional form of follow-up.

Further information

Professor, Consultant, MD, PhD Anders Bonde Jensen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine
Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Oncology
Direct tel.: +45 7846 2557