Let’s complete your Pure profile
Far from every employee at Health have filled in their Pure profile with the mandatory profile texts and work areas. But that's about to change. We offer you so much assistance that your Pure profile all but completes itself.

Pure Profile Completion Weeks at Health
- Week 5: Department of Forensic Medicine
- Week 9: Department of Public Health
- Week 11: Department of Biomedicine
- Week 13: Department of Dentistry and Oral Health
- TBA: Department of Clinical Medicine
- Week 19: Health administration Centre
Read more about the mandatory information for the Pure profile on the faculty's website.
There are "nice-too-tasks" and "need-to-tasks." Filling in your Pure profile with profile text, work areas and contact information is a "need-to."
And for good reason, Pure profiles are often the first thing to appear when someone Googles the name of an AU employee. This is something that foundations and collaborators do regularly.
However, many of us still haven’t described who we are and how to get in touch with us.
Fortunately, help is now available – in fact so much that the Pure profiles almost fill themselves out, allowing you to check off the mandatory task with a clear conscience.
Employee photography and writing assistance at the departments
This spring, "Pure Profile Completion Week" will be rolled out at all Health departments and in the administration centre. During Pure Profile Completion Week, Health Communication offers extensive support to help all faculty employees complete their profiles:
- A full day of employee photography at the departments and administration centre
- Concise manuals and templates with pre-written text, making the presentation text almost complete beforehand
- Text sparring and writing assistance
- Technical support for uploading texts and images.
You will hear more about how Pure Week will unfold at your department. Of course, you’re also more than welcome to complete your Pure profile right now.
Head of communications Ulla Krag Jespersen
Aarhus University, Health Communication
Mobile: +45 31 69 10 14
Email: ulla@au.dk