Apply for Summer School in Paris with Circle U.

Are you passionate about global health? Then this is your chance to dive into the subject at a free Summer School at the Université Paris Cité. All PhD students and junior researchers can apply to participate. See here how to get a seat and find out, which other initiatives Circle U. has scheduled for this spring.

Right now, Circle U. offers Summer Schools, networking events, prizes and much more for researchers and students from member universities. Photo: Jad Limcaco,

Keep an eye out for offers from Circle U.

This year, Circle U. is launching a string of courses, scholarships, awards and events, all available to Health researchers:

  • You can apply for funding for networking activities with colleagues from other member universities from the Interdisciplinary Thematic Research Networks pool - application deadline is 31 May.
  • You can also nominate yourself or your research team for the brand new Inter Circle U. Prize - application deadline is 10 May.
  • Or apply for a place at interdisciplinary networking workshops at UC Louvain under the title Circle U. Sandpits - application deadline is 31 May.

Remember to check regularly for new offers for researchers from the University Alliance on the Circle U. website.

The University Alliance Circle U. has really taken off. For the first time, a number of member universities are offering free Summer Schools for both researchers and students this year. If you are a PhD student or junior researcher who has defended your PhD thesis within the last three years, you can now apply for a place on the course "Rethinking Global Health" at the Université Paris Cité.

The course runs for five days from July 4 to 8, it's free to attend, and Circle U. even covers the cost of transportation, accommodation and meals while you are away. Four seats are available to researchers from AU and the application deadline is April 29, 2022.

Download the application form here (word)

All younger researchers with an interest in the field of health are invited, regardless of background and discipline. The course gives you insight into a wide range of topics such as:

  • Inequality in health - from an individual to a global perspective
  • Distribution of health resources
  • The role of women's health
  • The past and future of globalized medicine

See the entire course program here (pdf)

The course consists of a combination of lectures, active learning and group work, all with a dilemma-based approach. Through various activities and excursions in and around Paris, you will have the opportunity to meet leading researchers and clinicians in the field and expand your network of European peers.

Read more about "Rethinking Global Health" here


Academic Chair in Circle U., Associate Professor and Consultant Christian Wejse
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Medicine
Phone: 51 94 45 19