IKM celebrated 50 years of research, education, and major breakthroughs

From humble beginnings at the old hospital to a status among the best in the world. The Department of Clinical Medicine celebrated on Monday a half-century of innovation, challenges, and dedication to research and patient care

IKM celebrated 50 years

Even though the weather was gray outside the large auditorium at Aarhus University Hospital's entrance G, the mood was high when the Institute of Clinical Medicine (IKM) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Monday, October 2nd, with the participation of around 150 employees, students, and collaborators.

Department head Jørgen Frøkiær began the celebration by honoring all of the 200 administrative, 740 scientific, and about 500 PhD students that currently comprise the institute.

"Let me make it clear: The Institute of Clinical Medicine is today bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. So, in addition to celebrating our 50th anniversary, we can also celebrate that IKM is among the best institutes in the world when it comes to clinical medicine," said Jørgen Frøkiær.

Former head of department Jens Christian Djurhuus, who led the department for over 30 years – from 1978 to 2012 – took participants on a journey from the beginnings in the basement of the old municipal hospital, a time when research was conducted in secret because management did not interfere with what the employees did in their spare time, to today, where researchers have to navigate complex issues such as GDPR regulations.

"My only wish for the department's future is that the biggest challenges are addressed promptly, so for the next 50 years, we can focus on what we're here for; namely to conduct research and education and to improve the lives of patients," Jørgen Frøkiær concluded before the focus shifted to the day's scientific symposium.

The program included, among other things, presentations from a number of young research talents, a round of "guess the diagnosis" – a sort of charades for clinicians – and flash talks about exciting research projects from a group of Ph.D. students.

After the scientific program at AUH concluded, the festivities moved to the Vandrehallen at AU, where the evening program featured a communal dinner, live concert, and a stand-up show.

Warm thanks to everyone who contributed to making the 50th-anniversary celebration of IKM memorable.