Health to share knowledge about the brain, healthcare and gambling addiction at the Democracy Festival of Denmark

Health will be joining politically minded Danes on Bornholm this week. The research vessel Aurora will dock at Allinge harbour to host debates and research dissemination events held by the faculty and the rest of the university.

Come aboard the research vessel Aurora to participate in Health’s events at this year’s Democracy Festival on gambling addiction and the challenges to the brain in an age of hyper-information.
Come aboard the research vessel Aurora to participate in Health’s events at this year’s Democracy Festival on gambling addiction and the challenges to the brain in an age of hyper-information. Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

Folkemødet – The Democracy Festival of Denmark 2023

The event takes place from 15 to 17 June in the town of Allinge on Bornholm. The event is open to everyone, and you do not have to buy a ticket to attend. Read more at

Participants from the Dean's Office at Health: 
Anne-Mette Hvas,
Lise Wogensen Bach,
Hans Erik Bøtker,

Participants from the Dean’s Secretariat at Health:
Nete Ramlau-Hansen
Caroline Søndergaard Bendixen
Stine Birk Kristensen

Every year, a large politically interested and knowledge-hungry audience travels to Bornholm to meet hundreds of organizations, associations, parties, and companies during the Democracy Festival of Denmark.

Aarhus University and Health are represented again this year.

"At the Democracy Festival of Denmark, the research vessel Aurora provides the best possible surroundings for us as a faculty and university to put some of the knowledge that our researchers help generate into play and up for discussion," says Anne Mette Hvas, dean of Health, and continues:

"The Democracy Festival is something truly special in terms of being able to share knowledge and accommodate an open discussion with many different perspectives. We therefore contribute with joy and pride – among other things by informing broadly about the latest research in selected areas and by nuancing opinions based on our professionalism and expertise. And finally the festival is one of the places where we can make an effort to put research even higher on the political agenda.”

Health is hosting two events at this year's Democracy Festival:

16 June 2023, 15:45-16:30: Gambling addiction – challenges, dilemmas and solutions.

An increasing number of Danes have a gambling addiction. Health has therefore convened a panel to discuss challenges, dilemmas and solutions to the problem. The debate will include perspectives from the gambling industry, from a recovering gambler, from the Minister for Taxation, Jeppe Bruus Christensen (Social Democratic Party), and from the world of research.

17 June 2023, 10:30-11:30: The brain in a time of social media and hyper-information.

What happens to the brain's energy and ability to focus in a world with endless streams of information, social media and games, all of which have been optimised to hold our attention?

Learn about this and more when Professor and consultant Leif Østergaard from the Department of Clinical Medicine and Aarhus University Hospital presents surprising and thought-provoking facts about the human brain in a conversation with science journalist Line Friis Frederiksen.

In addition, Dean Anne-Mette Hvas participates in a panel discussion with professor Svend Brinkmann and composer and lecturer Marie Koldkjær Højlund among others, when Arts puts the health system on the examination table and discusses the future health system in a time of violent acceleration.

It happens on 16 June 2023, 14:30-15:30: A healthcare system on the examination table

Read more and find a list of all AU events at the Democracy Festival of Denmark atøde.