Health and Arts to host a joint workshop on health challenges

On 7 June 2023, two faculties at AU will put our increasingly overstretched healthcare system on the agenda at a joint workshop. The focal point will be the challenges facing the Danish healthcare system and their influence on patients and relatives.

“Health for the whole person – care and existence” is the name of a new workshop, which has been established as a collaboration between Health and Arts.
“Health for the whole person – care and existence” is the name of a new workshop, which has been established as a collaboration between Health and Arts. Photo: fauxels

A new workshop developed in collaboration between Health and Arts will serve as a catalyst for research projects across disciplines and contribute to greater insight and new solutions in the healthcare sector.

Among the initiators of the workshop are the two Vice-deans for Research Anne Marie Pahuus from Arts and Hans Erik Bøtker from Health.

Unique opportunity to establish relationships across faculties

The name of the workshop is “Health for the whole person – care and existence” (in Danish: “Sundhed for det hele menneske – omsorg og eksistens”) and it sheds light on topics under the theme from several academic perspectives.

"With the ever-increasing pressure on the Danish public healthcare system, the human ability to cope and ensure as many people as possible receive the best treatment will pose a serious societal challenge. The contributors at the workshop have a broad range of academic specialisations, because the challenges can only be solved through joint humanistic and healthcare efforts. The purpose of the workshop is to identify the challenges and to come up with suggestions for new solutions," says Hans Erik Bøtker, vice-dean for research at Health.

You can sign up for two of four presentations.

Joint presentation by researchers from the two faculties

The presentations will serve as an introduction to discussions between all participants, and they will cover the following topics:

Time: 7 June at 12:00-16:00 (sandwiches will be served from 11:30-12:00)

Location: Hejmdal, Peter Sabroes Gade 1, 8000 Aarhus C

Registration and programme:


Adviser Andreas Kambskard
Aarhus University, HE Administrative Centre - Dean’s Secretariat
Tel. no.: (+45) 93 52 20 88