Football - A Craft or a Science?

Football has undergone significant development, both on and off the pitch. In the past, all aspects of a football team were managed by a single head coach. However, the sport has grown larger, and science has taken its place. Decisions that were previously made based on the head coach's intuition and experience are now heavily influenced by specialists and academics. This raises the question: Is football today a craft or a science?

[Translate to English:] Foto af Marcus Michaelsen @Unsplash

Info about event


Monday 27 May 2024,  at 13:00 - 16:45


Lokale: 3410-137 Auditorium. Dalgas Ave 4, 8000 Aarhus

We have invited individuals with various approaches to football to discuss this topic and share their perspectives. Where do they see football heading? And how do they navigate the intersection of craft and science? Join us to hear these interesting perspectives and get the opportunity to ask questions to skilled professionals in football. We look forward to a very exciting afternoon dedicated to football!


13:00 – 13:15

Welcome by Kasper Als (Assistant Professor, Sports Science, Aarhus University)

  • Why this topic?

13:20 – 13:50

Claus Struck (Head Coach of the U17 Girls National Team)

  • The Danish Football Association (DBU) has presented "The Red Thread" 2.0. Claus has been part of the process of creating this, where all national teams are now required to play in a similar style. So, how will Denmark play in the future? How is a unified playing style developed? And are there any consequences of having the same style for all teams?

13:55 – 14:25

Jim Holm Larsen (Head Scout, Vålerenga)

  • What does it mean to be a head scout? How does Jim perceive the development in football and player recruitment? Is Jim on the verge of eliminating the "craftsman," the traditional scout? Can everything be quantified and handled through statistical processes? Or does the "craftsman," the coach/scout, still hold value?

Break – 15 minutes

14:40 – 15:10

Morten Dahm Kjærgaard (Head Coach, Aarhus Fremad)

  • What is it like to be the head coach of a football club that doesn't have physical trainers, mental coaches, or an analysis department? What are the disadvantages? Or are things better as they were "in the old days"? But how do you ensure the development and direction of a football club without specialists? Where do you turn then?

15:15 – 15:45

Thomas Rostgaard Andersen (Postdoc, University of Southern Denmark and Head Physical Trainer for the Danish Youth National Teams, DBU)

  • How does Thomas navigate combining scientific knowledge with practice? When does it work well? And when are there challenges? How has Thomas experienced the development in the intersection between craft and science in football and physical training? Does Thomas consider himself more of a craftsman or a scientist when he's on the pitch or in the gym? What does he rely on the most?

Break – 15 minutes

16:00 – 16:30

Niels Nygaard Rossing (Associate Professor, Aalborg University and Mental Coach for AaB Academy)

  • What is it like to contribute sports psychological practice in football? Do you encounter resistance from the "craftsmen," the coaches? What are the barriers? And how do you ensure that coaches see the value in the work you do? Is it possible for Niels to be an idealistic scientist? Or does one become a pragmatist when faced with reality?

16:30 – 16:45

Closing - Is football a craft or a science? (Kasper Als)

  • Opportunity for final questions.


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