The City's Best Study Environment is - perhaps - in Medicine

Aarhus Stiftstidende has opened the voting for the newspaper's annual award show, where the best of Aarhus is crowned in various categories. This year, the City's Best Study Environment is in the mix, and the Medicine program at Health is among the finalists.

The study environment at Health has been nominated to be awarded as "The City's Best." Both the students and the Vice Dean for Education, Lise Wogensen Bach, point to "community, associations, and Friday bar" as some of the things that make the study environment unique. Photo: Simon Fischel, Health AU

The nominees are:

The City's Best Study Environment:

  • Medicin, Aarhus Universitet
  • Aarhus BSS
  • Katedralskolen
  • Arkitektskolen
  • VIAs campus i Ceres Parken

The City's Best Cultural Event:

  • SPOT Festival
  • The Regatta, Uniparken
  • Aarhus Fremad-Brøndby
  • Cindy Sherman, ARos
  • Thomas Helmig, Ceres Arena 31.3 2023

Who has the city's best study environment, where uniqueness and strong community are at the forefront? Could it be Medicine here at Health? Or will one of the four other finalists take home the prize when Aarhus Stiftstidende announces "The City's Best" in multiple categories at an award show in August?

It's the 17th time the newspaper is hosting the City's Best poll and show, but it's the very first time that the study environment is included as a category. Therefore, Medicine has the chance to secure a historic title if it succeeds in surpassing the four other finalists, Aarhus BSS, Katedralskolen, Arkitektskolen, and VIA's campus in Ceres Parken.

Vice-Dean for Education, Lise Wogensen Bach, is both happy and proud of the nomination, attributing it mainly to the students.

"We are really proud of the nomination. It means that the students are happy to study Medicine at Health, and the nomination is largely the students' achievement and credit. We create the foundation and the framework, but it is the students who make the study environment thrive and come to life," she says.

Lise Wogensen Bach also points out the associations and the sense of unity in the program as a clear reason why Medicine is among the finalists.

"The students are incredibly good at coming together in associations within Medicine. Both Umbilicus, which is the party association, and the academic associations attract many students from all years. This means that they socialize and support each other both socially and academically," she says.

Why should Medicine win?

We caught Louise Olsen and Lukas Fitzgerald from the 6th semester in the midst of their final exam preparations, the day before hopefully completing their bachelor's degree, and asked them why they believe Medicine has the City's Best Study Environment:

Can The Regatta surpass Aarhus icon Helmig?

It's not only the Medicine program that can claim the honor of being the City's Best. The Regatta is a finalist this year in the category "City's Best Cultural Event." TThey need to ride the tide for succes against a a strong field, where both the SPOT Festival and Thomas Helmig are among the finalists.

The final results of the vote will be revealed at an award show in Tivoli Friheden on Thursday, August 17th. You can vote for both Medicine and The Regatta on Aarhus Stiftstidende's website. 


Vice-Dean for Education, Lise Wogensen Bach