Analyses will provide insight into research at Health

How well is research at Health doing? The answer to this question will be disclosed in a number of departmental reports that will be delivered by the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy over the coming years. The reports are intended to help strengthen research at the faculty.

[Translate to English:] I de kommende tre år skal Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) levere særlige institutanalyser til de fem institutter på Health.
[Translate to English:] I de kommende tre år skal Center for Forskningsanalyse (CFA) levere særlige institutanalyser til de fem institutter på Health. Modelfoto: Jesper Rais/AU

Department heads will get a clearer picture of the direction of research at their department, what impact it has, and where they have strong or weak partnerships and collaborations. The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy has therefore been given the task of delivering special departmental analyses to the five departments at Health.

The departmental analyses link information from PURE with data from the Web of Science citation database to provide both standard and tailored reports based on the individual wishes and needs of the departments. The calculations will furthermore be directly comparable with, for example, Leiden Ranking indicators.

Greater insight can improve departmental research strategies

The aim is to provide department heads with insight into research with a view to defining new departmental research strategies – or adjusting existing strategies, as well as appointing beacons for research, strengthening international partnerships and recruiting senior researchers or talents.

The Department of Biomedicine and the Department of Clinical Medicine will be analysed in 2016, followed next year by the Department of Public Health and the Department of Forensic Medicine, while in 2018 it will be the turn of the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health.

The agreement with the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy to prepare reports for the departments at Aarhus University has been entered into by the Committee for Research and External Cooperation. Together with a range of other activities, including the introduction of ReAp, the reports will increase focus on research and external funding at Health.

Read more about the registration of research applications in the ReAp database.