Topping-out ceremony: Blue sky, yellow safety helmets and red hot dog sausages

The roof construction was not completed, but that did not get in the way of celebrating the advanced stage of the construction of the Skou Building in the proper manner with a topping-out ceremony on Thursday 26 August.

For a while all was quiet at the construction site as a garland and a Danish flag flew from a crane above the Skou Building as the Danish Building and Property Agency celebrated that the walls are now in place. Five years ago the board of Aarhus University adopted the vision plan with the intention of significantly improving the Department of Biomedicine's and Health's foundation for research, development and teaching. So the workmen, consultants and employees from Health gathered to celebrate the milestone that had now been reached in the construction of the more than 12,000 m2 building.


The event was a special thank you to the many skilled workmen and contractors who have spent almost two-years transforming the many fine drawings and visions into an actual building. But there was also a thank you to the building's future users from Project Manager Lone Køhler from the Danish Building and Property Agency, in which she highlighted the very dedicated and extremely competent employees who have made a significant effort to realise the intentions of the building and contribute to a positive and constructive process.


Department Head Thomas G. Jensen said that he was looking forward to the sound of machinery soon being replaced by employees and students who would be able to enjoy the new and very modern research facilities in 2017.


The construction process has not been without its problems. Digging the large hole in the ground initially caused vibrations, forcing a review of the construction methods, finances and time schedule, a fact that was also touched on by several of the day's speakers. However, it appeared that the many challenges were happily forgotten at the topping-out ceremony, which was celebrated in the traditional Danish manner with red hotdog sausages for the happy workmen and future users of the building, supplemented with an excellent buffet created by the chef Chili John.


After the speeches there was time to take a look inside the new building and see the coming atrium that will connect the two wings, which is taking shape.

The Skou Building is the first step in the Department of Biomedicine’s comprehensive renovation plan with a total budget of approx. DKK 830 million. The renovation will also cover the Bartholin Building and Biomedicine South (Anatomy). The plan is for the renovation work to be completed in 2019.

Photos: Health Communication