The cost reduction process at AU enters the next phase

Thursday 16 January will be the day when the distribution of the overall budget cutbacks for Health’s departments and SKT is announced. In the days leading up to the 16th the relevant liaison committee will be informed about the budgets. The department heads can first thereafter begin work on the actual cost reduction plans.

[Translate to English:] AU’s budget drøftes i øjeblikket i de relevante samarbejdsudvalg. Torsdag i næste uge får medarbejderne besked om de overordnede konsekvenser af besparelserne på institutniveau. Foto: Jesper Rais/AU Kommunikation.
[Translate to English:] AU’s budget drøftes i øjeblikket i de relevante samarbejdsudvalg. Torsdag i næste uge får medarbejderne besked om de overordnede konsekvenser af besparelserne på institutniveau. Foto: Jesper Rais/AU Kommunikation.

On 16 January Dean Allan Flyvbjerg will write to all employees at Health and inform them of the distribution of budget cutbacks between the departments. He will do this after the Local Liaison Committees (LSUs) have had the opportunity to see the figures and discuss the possibility of local measures to reduce the number of layoffs.

On the same day, or in the following days, the individual head of department will inform their employees about the general consequences of the budget cutbacks for the department. Only when this has been done, can the actual cost reduction plans be prepared for the departments.

The Faculty Liaison Committee (FSU) is holding a meeting today, Tuesday 7 January. FSU must be given the first opportunity to comment on the budget and the allocation of budget cutbacks at departmental level.

The local budgets for the departments and SKT will be discussed in LSU on the following days:

  • SKT: 13 January
  • Department of Public Health: 13 January
  • Department of Forensic Medicine: 13 January
  • Department of Dentistry: 13 January
  • Department of Biomedicine: 13 January
  • Department of Clinical Medicine: 16 January

The participants in the LSU meetings will be informed about the following: the senior management team’s decision on a modified hiring freeze, postponement of salary negotiations for 2014, voluntary redundancy packages and senior schemes. Read more about the senior management team’s announcement on initiatives to minimise the number of layoffs.

LSU will also discuss the possibility of locally initiating preventive measures in addition to the opportunities presented by the senior management team. Finally, LSU will be informed about support measures for employees, including psychological counselling.

Employees in the administrative centre at Health will be informed via their respective administrative divisions.

Further information
If you have any questions about the budget process, please contact your immediate supervisor or your union representative.

You can find your local union representative via AU’s staff page.

At AU’s dedicated website on the University Finances 2014 you can stay up-to-date with news and debate: