SAVE THE DATE: Interdisciplinary Research Meeting
Professors, associate professors, assistant professors and postdocs at Health are invited to attend a research day with presentations on subjects that are both ‘nice to know’ and ‘need to know’.

Sometimes, researchers cross the river to fetch water. They buy, for example, molecular analyses, biostatistical advice, cell cultivation, histology or 3D printing services elsewhere, because they do not know that we at Health have excellent core facilities for precisely that.
For this reason, Health’s first research day for professors, associate professors, assistant professors and postdocs is all about core facilities, and there will also be an opportunity to meet colleagues from across the various departments and academic environments over a bite to eat.
The Research Day will be held in Stakladen on 31 May from 2.30 pm - 6.00 pm.
The initiative has been taken by the extended faculty management team, which wants to give established researchers and staff at Health an opportunity to share knowledge and create networks.
On the day, there will be presentations on core facilities at each of the five departments, as well as flash talks with good research stories.
You can register here:
(the meeting vil be in English)