Professor recognised for his innovative research

Professor Morten Overgaard has been recognised as a 'Young Scientist' at the World Economic Forum, which each year names the most visionary and innovative young research directors in the world.

[Translate to English:] Portræt af professor Morten Overgaard, som er kåret som innovativ forsker i 2014.
[Translate to English:] Professor Morten Overgaard er kåret som innovativ forsker.

Morten Overgaard's research is first and foremost concerned with investigating what is possibly the biggest remaining scientific mystery: How can subjective consciousness exist in relation to the brain's physical processes?
Morten Overgaard graduated as a psychologist from the University of Copenhagen and was awarded a PhD degree from Aarhus University in 2003. He carries out experimental work using a wide range of neuroscience techniques including scanning techniques, psychological methods and clinical work with patients suffering from brain injuries, including patients in comas and psychiatric patients.

Based on the work being done by his research group the Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU), he is in the process of developing a model that he believes can be used both to understand what consciousness has to do with brain processes and, at the same time, to have clinical significance for e.g. rehabilitation after brain injury.

Morten Overgaard has a shared professorship divided between Aarhus University and Aalborg University and is director of the CNRU research group. He is responsible for 93 publications in internationally recognised journals and he was the coordinator of the EU FP6 project MindBridge, as well as receiving an ERC Starting Grant in 2010.

Morten Overgaard has supervised more than 20 PhD and Master’s degree students and is director for 16 scientific employees.

The Young Scientists Community presents itself as a forum that represents the future of research management and unites the most visionary and innovative minds in the world. The researchers in the community are selected from all parts of the world and represent a wide range of academic disciplines. All of the Young Scientist candidates are under the age of 40.


Further information


Professor Morten Overgaard

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine – Centre of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN)

Direct telefon: 7846 9942

Cell: 2078 3154