PHD-defence: Katja Glejsted Ingstrup

Maternal bereavement in the antenatal period and congenital anomalies in the offspring

Info about event


Friday 26 June 2015,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Public Health Auditorium, building 1262, room 101, Bartholins Alle 4, 8000 Aarhus C

Friday the 26th of June 2015 at 2.00pm Katja Glejsted Ingstrup will defend her PHD-thesis entitled: Maternal bereavement in the antenatal period and congenital anomalies in the offspring

The defence will take place at Aarhus University, Public Health Auditorium, building 1262, room 101, Bartholins Alle 4, 8000 Aarhus C