PHD-defence: Anne Sigaard Bie

The mitochondrial chaperonin complex Hsp60/Hsp10: Identification of Hsp60 client proteins and investigations of a mutation in HSPE1

Info about event


Monday 13 April 2015,  at 14:00 - 16:00


The auditorium, Science Center Skejby, Brendstrupgårdsvej 21, 8200 Aarhus N.

On Monday April 13th 2015 at 2pm Anne Siggard Bie will defend his PHD thesis entitled: The mitochondrial chaperonin complex Hsp60/Hsp10: Identification of Hsp60 client proteins and investigations of a mutation in HSPE1

The defence will take place in the auditorium, Science Center Skejby, Brendstrupgårdsvej 21, 8200 Aarhus N.