New salary agreement catalogue for employees at Health has come into force

The salary agreement catalogue for employees at Health has been revised with previously agreed supplements in several areas being added to the new catalogue, which has also been expanded with a section on special positions at SKT.

[Translate to English:] Healths nye lønkatalog er nu forhandlet på plads og gælder frem til og med marts 2018.
[Translate to English:] Healths nye lønkatalog er nu forhandlet på plads og gælder frem til og med marts 2018.

Health's salary agreement catalogue is revised bi-annually. The new salary agreement catalogue includes changes in the following areas (the list is not exhaustive):

·         Authorisation (formerly B-authorisation) for independent practice (for medical doctors) is increased to DKK 20,000 per year.

·         Psychologists have been awarded an authorisation supplement, if this is relevant for the position.

·         National Union of Commercial and Clerical Employees (HK) laboratory technicians, office personnel, dental surgery assistants and graphical personnel receive a supplement for qualifications after completion of a full diploma degree programme.

·         Supplements for responsibilities have also been added for e.g. trainee responsibility, chairing the PhD association etc.

A new section covering special positions at SKT has also been added to the new salary agreement catalogue. This deals with e.g. specialist teachers, teaching assistants and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) teaching staff.

If you want to see if any changes have taken place in your own employee category, you can read more in the salary agreement catalogue on Health's website. Otherwise, you will only be affected by any changes if and when changes are made to your terms of employment.

The new salary agreement catalogue covers academic and administrative staff whose salary and terms of employment are regulated by collective agreements between the Ministry of Finance and the multi-union collective agreement for Organisations of Public Employees - Denmark (State).

The new salary agreement catalogue will be applicable until 31March 2018.

About Health's salary agreement catalogue

Health introduced the salary agreement catalogue for members of academic staff in 2013. Since then, the catalogue has been expanded to also include technical and administrative staff, so that the catalogue now applies to the majority of staff at the faculty.

Why do we have a salary agreement catalogue?
The purpose of a salary agreement catalogue is to ensure uniform and transparent pay formation for the employees in the faculty. Pay formation has previously been inconsistent, and this has led to both confusion and ambiguities. The salary agreement catalogue remedies this.

How is the salary agreement catalogue produced in the first place?
Health's salary agreement catalogue is produced in cooperation between selected department heads, union representatives and representatives from HR in a process that includes e.g. sparring group meetings. Here the group members review the current catalogue and discuss all aspects of any changes in plenum. In addition, department heads and union representatives inform HR of any wishes and proposals for changes on an ongoing basis.

Once all information has been compiled, discussed and estimated, HR draws up a draft of the coming salary agreement catalogue, which is then presented to the dean. The salary agreement catalogue is finally adopted at a negotiation meeting between the dean, the union representatives and HR, who provide support to the dean.

You can read more about salaries, rules and the relevant Danish Acts regarding employment on Health's website. You can also find the salary agreement catalogue in both Danish and English here.