New research presentation at Health

Research at Health has been divided into topics to make it easier for users to find relevant research information.

New research presentation at Health

Health's research presentation is targeted at both journalists and laymen and the new division of topics will help these target groups to find the research information that they are searching for. When you click on a topic you view a very brief introduction to the area, before being guided to research information on department and research centre websites.

The division of topics will be dynamic and it will be possible to make adjustments as required.

At the top of the page there is an opportunity to focus on a selected research area if it is assessed to have special strategic relevance. Vice-Dean for Research Ole Steen Nielsen is the academic editor of the research presentations and will therefore determine the actual division of research areas and the selection of areas of focus.

Improved quality and coherence

All departments at Health have worked to upgrade their websites over the past year and, in connection with this work, they have had particular focus on the research websites. With the new unique access to Health's research page, visitors will have fast access to specialised research information from the departments and centres, and the research websites will be more coherent across the faculty.

Vice-Dean Ole Steen Nielsen acts as academic editor of the new research pages, while Health’s Communication Department is responsible for operation and updating.

See the new research presentation at
An English version will be available 1 September 2014.