Line Staun Larsen receives Zendium Research Award 2023

Tenure Track Assistant Professor Line Staun Larsen from the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health is being honoured with the Zendium Research Award 2023 for her research into fluoride and for her ability to communicate knowledge about dental health.

Besides fluoride research, Line Staun Larsen also researches forensic dentistry and provides public-sector consultancy as a forensic dentist. Photo: Thomas Woller

Line Staun Larsen's research results, which are now being recognised with the Zendium Research Award 2023, contribute to a better understanding of the potential of high-dose fluoride toothpaste to prevent caries.

Line Staun Larsen’s research compares the effect of high-dose fluoride toothpaste on the level of fluoride in the oral cavity with ordinary fluoride toothpaste. Her results shed light on the distribution and dynamics of fluoride in saliva, dental biofilm and the mucous membrane (oral mucosa) at 5,000 ppm compared to 1,450 ppm fluoride.

Line Staun Larsen is also receiving the Zendium Research Award 2023 for her communication skills. She has contributed to textbooks for academic peers as well as to newspapers, digital journals and national radio for the general public.

"I’m delighted with the award and the recognition. It means a lot to me that the public get to know about my research and dental health, and I hope I can make a difference. In my view, our most important task is to help ensure that people have the best possible control over their own dental health by having good oral hygiene, a moderate sugar intake and using fluoride toothpaste," says Line Staun Larsen, who after 10 years as a practicing dentist changed track in 2014 to begin her research career at Aarhus University.

The Zendium Research Award is awarded annually to a researcher or communicator who has distinguished himself or herself within odontology and who has achieved a research breakthrough to improve dental health. The award includes DKK 50,000.


Tenure Track Assistant Professor, Dentist, Forensic Odontologist and PhD Line Staun Larsen
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health and
Department of Forensic Medicine
Telephone: +45 2292 3107