Knocking down the Officers’ Building
The first steps are taken towards the new building for the Department of Biomedicine. The red building on Høegh-Guldbergs Gade is being demolished to make room for the new Biomedicine building.

The plan has been in place for years. Now the first signs that the new Biomedicine building is actually going to be realised can be seen. Demolition of the so-called Officers’ Building on the corner of Vennelyst Boulevard and Høegh-Guldbergs Gade has begun and the building is now being emptied. The walls will be demolished at the beginning of December. That part of the demolition only takes a few days. After this the construction materials must be sorted and removed.
"The entire demolition and clean-up will be completed around the middle of December. On-site work will only take place during the daytime and all regulations regarding noise and noise pollution will be followed, so the work is unlikely to inconvenience the staff and residents in the area," says Conor Richard O'Connor Leerhøy, the Head of Building Services at Health.
Construction starts in August
The demolition means that the new building, which must be ready by the end of 2016, moves a step closer. The plan is for construction work to begin in August.
"We are delighted to see the building work start to take shape. It will be a great for the department - a positive change - and we look forward to having more modern research facilities available. The building also makes it possible for us to gather relevant research units and thereby create new opportunities for collaboration across the disciplines," says Thomas G. Jensen, Department Head at Biomedicine.
In addition to the new building the existing Bartholin and Anatomy buildings will also be renovated. They currently house approx. half of the department's employees.
Demolition affects car parking
During the demolition of the Officers’ Building, the car park will be closed. It will be re-established after Christmas as a car park reserved for staff at Aarhus University. In the meantime, approx. 40 temporary parking spaces have been established in Grønnegården adjacent to the School of Oral Health Care. These parking spaces may be used by anyone. The car park will be taken into use again after Christmas until construction work begins in August 2014. Once the building is completed there will be approx. 100 additional parking spaces compared to today.
See the video of the new building.
Further information
Department Head Thomas G. Jensen
Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine
Mobile: +45 2778 2805
Head of Building Services Conor Richard O'Connor Leerhøy
Aarhus University, Finance and Planning - Health Building Services
Mobile: +45 2899 2241