How to travel in a more climate-friendly way

Last year, a new travel policy came into effect at Aarhus University. It includes a strong call for all staff to reconsider their own travel habits and their choice of travel modes in connection with work at AU. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

Journeys within Denmark should normally be made by train and/or shared car.
Journeys within Denmark should normally be made by train and/or shared car. Photo: Daniel Frese, Pexels

The new travel policy encourages AU employees to:

  • Choose, as far as possible, the most climate-friendly mode of travel.
  • Take the train instead of flying, if the journey time by train is less than 5 hours each way.
  • Question the scale of physical meetings in existing, well-established networks.
  • Consider whether journeys can be replaced by virtual meetings – or be held closer to the staff member’s geographical location.

Journeys within Denmark should normally be made by train and/or shared car. However, flights within the country may be an option if this is necessary for special professional or practical reasons, or if the journey is part of an international trip.

The journey must however be coherent both practically and in terms of time for the individual.

Although you can still buy your air ticket directly from the airline, all staff members are strongly encouraged to book flights through AU’s travel agency, Carlson Wagonlit Travel Danmark (CWT), which can, amongst other things, supply data on CO2 emissions relating to the trip. This is important in order to monitor whether our climate efforts are having the desired effect.

Journeys in connection with work

In addition, special requests apply in relation to journeys in connection with work, which for example covers transport to courses, theme days, conferences and the like:

  • Staff members are encouraged to use AU’s electric cars rather than their own diesel/petrol cars.
  • Employees who use their own car for work purposes are encouraged to consider carpooling with others.
  • In connection with car hire, everyone is encouraged to hire an electric car if this is possible and economically justifiable.

You can book trips and read more about the travel policy here or e-mail if you have any questions.