Health establishes partnership with Chinese university

Aarhus University, Health and Peking University Health Science Center have entered into a new partnership. So Master's and PhD students from Health now have exchange opportunities at one of China's biggest universities.

[Translate to English:] Sundhedsdekan på AU, Allan Flyvbjerg, og vicepræsident for Peking University Health Science Center, Weigang Fang, underskrev samarbejdsaftalen. Foto: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen, AU Kommunikation.
[Translate to English:] Sundhedsdekan på AU, Allan Flyvbjerg, og vicepræsident for Peking University Health Science Center, Weigang Fang, underskrev samarbejdsaftalen. Foto: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen, AU Kommunikation.

The Danish government are not the only one’s currently focusing on China. Between the eight and ninth of September a Chinese flag also adorned the table in AIAS Hall at Aarhus University to show that there were visitors from Peking University Health Science Center, a health sciences university that is an independent part of one of China's largest universities. The visit took place to mark the fact that Health has established a partnership with Peking University Health Science Center.

Under a new agreement the two universities will collaborate within the areas of research and student exchange. This means that Master's and PhD students from Aarhus University can now visit one of China’s largest universities as exchange students, while the Chinese students can also travel to Aarhus University.

"International students create an international environment and a culture that makes more students want to study abroad. And it is important that the students study abroad. Seeing how things work elsewhere is what really has an effect on us. So the collaboration is also very much about exchanging experience and knowledge," says Vice-Dean for Talent Development and Head of Graduate School at Health, Lise Wogensen Bach.

Joint PhD courses and clinical training were on the programme

Lise Wogensen Bach emphasises that work on developing joint PhD courses with the Chinese university is already under way, and that opportunities for student exchanges that include clinical training are also being examined. China's large population naturally means that students will see more patients with rare diseases, something that can build up the Danish students clinical experience. While the Chinese students can also gain experience about how the Danish health system works.

"Our collaboration has created the framework. Now it needs to be fleshed out. Where it is relevant it will be possible to take a complete PhD in China, but most would probably choose a shorter stay of about a year," says Lise Wogensen Bach.

The universities has also drawn-up a student exchange agreement for the Master’s degree students in medicine. It provides the opportunity for up to five Master’s degree students to take part in an exchange programme lasting four to eight weeks without having to pay tuition fees.

Major new partner university

The collaboration has been in the pipeline for a long time. The Rector's Office visited Peking University in 2012 and in continuation of this, representatives from Health subsequently visited Peking University Health Science Center in 2013, while the Chinese delegation visited and saw Aarhus University in connection with the official signing of the partnership agreement.

"It has been an honour to visit your beautiful university and your university hospital. We are optimistic about this new collaboration and we are certain that it will be a success," said Vice President of Peking University Health Science Center, Weigang Fang at the signing ceremony.

Peking University Health Science Center has eight specialist areas within the health sciences area. The university has eight associated hospitals with an additional 13 teaching hospitals. The health sciences university is itself part of Peking University which has more than 30,000 students in total. Peking University Health Science Center has approx. 3,500 undergraduate students, approx. 4,000 Master’s degree students and almost 450 international students.

Peking University Health Science Center collaborates with more than 80 leading universities around the world, including some of the best universities in the USA. As an exchange student at the Chinese university, students from Aarhus will therefore come to meet both Chinese as well as international students from universities all over the world.

Find out more about Peking University Health Science Center.

Further information

Vice-Dean for Talent Development and Head of Graduate School, Health Lise Wogensen Bach
Aarhus University
Tel.: +45 8715 2012