Extended Blackboard courses: Do you want to learn new teaching methods?

During the course of the autumn, the Centre for Health Sciences Education (CESU) will be offering extended Blackboard courses for the first time. The courses will introduce teaching staff to tools and activities that can support blended learning.

[Translate to English:] I løbet af efteråret 2015 udbyder Center for Sundhedsvidenskabelig Uddannelse (CESU) for første gang udvidede Blackboard kurser.
[Translate to English:] I løbet af efteråret 2015 udbyder Center for Sundhedsvidenskabelig Uddannelse (CESU) for første gang udvidede Blackboard kurser.

The new extended courses prepare teaching staff to make use of the many educational opportunities for online learning that Blackboard offers. Participants are given guidelines on how to produce targeted preparation material for students, and how to create collaborations in Blackboard that support the students’ learning between lectures.

A course in two modules

The course is divided into two modules. The first module focuses on developing content. The course participants get a good insight into the various tools in Blackboard that can be used to produce targeted learning content. This could be the production of multimedia materials, videos and preparation texts.

On the second module, the course participants work on activities in Blackboard including collaborative tools such as blogs, wikis and discussion forums, where the teacher and students have the opportunity to enter into a dialogue about preparation material. This strengthens continuous learning and creates better prerequisites for the students to be well prepared for the lectures, so they can actively participate in the teaching.

In great demand

The first extended Blackboard course will be held on 6 November 2015. However, this course is already overbooked. Additional places will therefore be made available on this date.

"If it turns out that there are more people wishing to participate than available places, we will hold a new course during the autumn, so everyone who wants to take the course will get the opportunity to do so," says Janne Saltoft Hansen, E-learning consultant at CESU. "Both the extended course and the basic course are regularly offered every six months. It’s also possible to take part in all of the courses together with one’s colleagues by contacting me first", concludes Janne Saltoft Hansen.

By 2017 all faculties must have an action plan for the teaching elements that can be rethought with the aid of Blackboard. The initiative is part of AU's development contract, which has modern and relevant courses as one of the goals for creating better quality in the study programmes.

Read more about the extended course and register for the course.

Previous news about Blackboard.

Further information

Project Manager for Blackboard at Health Janne Saltoft Hansen
Aarhus University, Centre for Medical Education
Tel.: (+45) 8620 5230
Mobile: (+45) 2184 4530