Do you receive the INside Health newsletter twice?

Does INside Health land in your inbox twice when it is published every other Tuesday? If so, please send us an email so we can fix this error.

[Translate to English:] Nogle medarbejdere modtager desværre fakultetets nyhedsbrev flere gange ved hver udsendelse. Send os en mail, hvis det også gælder dig.
[Translate to English:] Nogle medarbejdere modtager desværre fakultetets nyhedsbrev flere gange ved hver udsendelse. Send os en mail, hvis det også gælder dig.

Just before the summer holidays we updated the distribution list for INside Health. In connection with this, some recipients now appear on the distribution list with more than one AU email address, and therefore receive the same newsletter more than once.

If you receive the INside Health newsletter more than once, please contact us.

You should send us an email at Please tells us which email you would like us to send the newsletter to and also inform us of any other email addresses you have or have had previously. We will then ensure that any irrelevant email addresses assigned to you are deleted from our list.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. We hope you will continue to enjoy the newsletter!

Important: Employees at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health should ignore the above information. We will automatically replace all the old @skt and @odont addresses with the new @dent addresses.

Do you have a colleague who does not receive the newsletter? Simply ask him or her to sign-up via Health's staff page. Here you can also find the newest newsletter.

Further information

Communications Officer Sabina Bjerre Hansen
HE Administrative Centre – Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 3012 3732