Can we improve Health's degree programmes?

Now is the time to make your suggestions for how to improve Health's degree programmes. During the spring, all of Health’s degree programmes will be scrutinised at the annual status meetings. Both students and employees can contribute ideas via the board of studies at each degree programme.

[Translate to English:] Auditorium Health, Aarhus Universitet
[Translate to English:] Både undervisere og studerende kan komme med gode ideer til forbedringer af undervisningen. Foto: Lars Kruse, Aarhus Universitet

Annual individual status meetings are held for all degree programmes at Health. The aim of the meetings is to ensure the quality of the individual subject and the degree programme as a whole. At the same time, the meetings are used to develop the degree programmes.

"As a lecturer or student you really get a close-up of the programmes. So perhaps you experience some inappropriate processes, or maybe you have some ideas about how to improve the teaching. These are the kinds of observations we can use in our work to improve the quality of the degree programmes. That is why I encourage everyone to send their ideas to the board of studies," says Charlotte Ringsted, Vice-dean for Education at Health.

Board of Studies can influence the status meeting

The annual status meetings will be held during May and June. But before then the directors of studies will hold discussions with the boards of studies, which comprise both staff and student representatives. It is here that the boards of studies can highlight special focus areas that they would like to include in the status meeting discussions. 

An example can be seen in the latest study environment survey, where students from public health science expressed a wish to become a greater part of the academic community and the academic staff environment. This was discussed at the status meeting last year and resulted in a lunch meeting between students, lecturers and the department management team, at which everyone had an opportunity to contribute with ideas for how the students could be integrated in the research and teaching environment in a better way.

So if you have any suggestions for improvements or for particular areas of focus, then you should contact your board of studies representative. You can see a list of staff and student members of the individual boards of studies for each degree programme below. 

Find your boards of studies representative (websites in Danish only)

Public Health Science
Sport Science
Clinical Denturism
Master of Clinical Nursing
Optometry and Visual Science
Healthcare Master’s degree programme
Dental hygienist

The degree programmes for dental surgery assistant and laboratory dental technician are evaluated in accordance with a different system via the Danish Ministry of Educationn

About the status meetings

  • The annual meetings are a permanent part of Health’s quality assurance work.
  • The participants at the meetings include the vice-dean for education, relevant department head, director of studies, representatives from the study administration and CESU as well as an adviser.
  • Prior to the meeting the director of studies holds discussions with the board of studies for the degree programme.
  • The vice-chair of the board of studies – who is always a student representative – may as needed incorporate a wider circle of students in the board of studies' dialogue with the director of studies.
  • The topics covered at the meetings include: data reports of drop-out rates, completion times and employment rates, the latest study environment survey and the follow-up on the previous status meeting.    

Further information

Vice-dean for Education Charlotte Ringsted
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8222