Award for research in bone transplantation

Postgraduate fellow in odontology and PhD student Rubens Spin-Neto from Aarhus University has just received an award for his research in bone transplantation. The award was made by the European Academy of Osseointegration in recognition of his research.

Rubens Spin-Neto’s research field is bone transplantations in connection with dental operations, and it recently earned him an award from the European Academy of Osseointegration.

Together with his research group, he is occupied with bone transplantation, in particular the advantages and disadvantages of using bone from the patient himself, rather than using bone from a so-called bone bank, prior to a dental implant being inserted.

”So far our research indicates that the best bone donor is the patient himself. We are studying whether autogenous material, the patient's own bone tissue, or allogeneic material, bone from a bone bank, is the best solution for the patient. And right now it looks as if the allogeneic material is not quite as good as the autogenous,” explains Rubens Spin-Neto.

Patients who need to have a dental implant inserted are therefore the ones who can benefit from Rubens Spin-Neto and his research group’s results, as the patients receive more information about the different possibilities they have for the bone transplantation.

International research

The project arose in cooperation with other researchers from Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry, including Rubens Spin-Neto’s current supervisor, Professor Ann Wenzel, and former Associate Professor at Aarhus University, Andreas Stavropoulos. The patients were treated at São Paulo State University, School of Dentistry in São Paulo, Brazil, under the coordination of Professor Elcio Marcantonio Junior.

The award was presented on 19 October, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland. The title of the research project is: Influence of fresh-frozen allogeneic bone graft architecture on its incorporation: radiographic and histomorphometric comparison to the gold-standard.

Rubens Spin-Neto was born on 16 June, 1981 in Bauru, São Paulo in Brazil.

Further information

Postgraduate Fellow in Odontology, PhD student Rubens Spin-Neto
Aarhus University, Department of Dentistry - Oral Radiology
Direct tel: +45 8716 7457