AU invites to a debate on the health sciences in the Greenhouses

For the second season in a row, Aarhus University in collaboration with the Lundbeck Foundation and the Danish University Extension is organising a number of public thought-provoking lectures on knowledge and research.

[Translate to English:] I år er der fem Lundbeckfond Lectures på programmet og tre Science caféer, hvor de to af dem foregår i Væksthusene. ’Science Caféer ligger i weekenden i dagtimerne, Lundbeckfond Lectuers ligger om aftenen på hverdage.
[Translate to English:] I år er der fem Lundbeckfond Lectures på programmet og tre Science caféer, hvor de to af dem foregår i Væksthusene. ’Science Caféer ligger i weekenden i dagtimerne, Lundbeckfond Lectuers ligger om aftenen på hverdage.

Research must be communicated. Also to the general public. Aarhus University is therefore opening its doors to a series of lectures that shine a spotlight on the health sciences. For the first time the programme also includes three events during the weekend, where health scientists will delve into themes such as breast milk, exercise and what genes mean for our personality.

The first two events take place in the newly renovated Greenhouses in the Botanical Gardens (on 27 September and 5 October 2014), while the final event (on 7 December 2014) will be held in Lecture Theatre E at the Department of Mathematics. Tickets cost DKK 50.

On Saturday 27 September the theme will be breast-feeding. PhD Cup winner Eva Greibe from the Department of Clinical Medicine will talk about her research, which deals with vitamins in breast milk and whether exclusive breastfeeding is best for babies. Midwife and public debater Karen West will debate the good and bad aspects of breastfeeding based on her many years of experience with new parents.

On Sunday 5 October exercise is on the programme. Professor in medical physiology Ole Bækgaard Nielsen from the Department of Biomedicine will measure the body’s oxygenation and show how the feeling of effort does not necessarily have anything to do with lack of oxygen or energy. Following the lecture and experiments a light training run under the guidance of training consultant Henrik Mikkelsen is available for those who are interested.

On Sunday 7 December the Science café offers both a film and a debate between researchers. In the film Genetic Me, scientific journalist Lone Frank examines how the deployment of 'personal genetics' will affect our understanding of human nature and thus change our understanding of ourselves as human beings. The film examines how our genes form the brain and mind and thereby our personality. After the film Lone Frank will discuss these perspectives with brain researcher, anthropologist and professor Andreas Roepstorff from the Department of Culture and Society.