Afskedssymposium: professor Søren Mogensen

Afskedssymposium og reception

Info about event


Tuesday 7 October 2014,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Eduard Biermann Auditoriet, lokale 204, bygning 1252, Søauditorierne, Aarhus Universitet, Bartholins Allé, 8000 Aarhus C

Tirsdag den 7. oktober 2014 kl. 14 afholdes der afskedssymposium og reception for professor Søren Mogensen. Det finder sted i Eduard Biermann Auditoriet, lokale 204, bygning 1252, Søauditorierne, Aarhus Universitet, Bartholins Allé, 8000 Aarhus C.


14.00 – 14.15

  • Welcome
  • Per Höllsberg, Department of Biomedicine Aarhus University

14.15 – 14.45

  • Interferon in a historical perspective
  • Otto Haller, Universitäts Klinikum, Freiburg, Germany

14.45 – 15.15

  • Gates and ways of HIV entry and escape
  • Fernando Arenzana Seisdedos, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

15.15 – 15.40

  • Virus/host interactions - then and now Allan Randrup Thomsen, Department of International Health, Immunology, and Microbiology, University of Copenhagen

15.40 – 16.00

  • Herpesviruses and the immune system……and how I became a virologist an immunologist
  • Søren Riis Paludan, Department of Biomedicine Aarhus University

16.00 - 18.00

  • Reception at the William Scharff Auditorium