Names of Units at Health

Department names

The abbreviations are for internal use only. We always write the full name when we communicate externally.

Names in Danish

Department namesAbbreviations in Danish
Institut for Biomedicin Biomedicin
Institut for Folkesundhed IFS
Institut for Klinisk Medicin IKM
Institut for Odontologi og Oral Sundhed IOOS
Institut for RetsmedicinRetsmedicin

Names in English

Department NamesAbbreviations in English
Department of BiomedicineBIOMED
Department of Public Health PH
Department of Clinical Medicine CLIN 
Department of Dentistry and Oral Health DENT
Department of Forensic Medicine Forensic

Names of the Administrative Units

When we use the names of the units externally, for example in an email signature or on stationary, we write Health instead of HE.

Names in Danish

Administrative units
Health Bygningsservice
Health Fakultetssekretariat
Health HR
Health IT-support
Health Kommunikation
Health Studier
Health Økonomi

Names in English

Administrative units
Health Estates Facilities
Health Dean's Secretariat
Health HR
Health IT Support
Health Communication
Health Studies Administration
Health Finance
PhD Administration